[TR İSTEK] Farklı Bir Contact Form

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[TR İSTEK] Farklı Bir Contact Form

İleti RoyaLTurK 12.08.2007, 19:14

Aklımın Yettiğince Bir Kısmını Kendim Türkçeleştirmeye Çalıştım Arkadaşlar.

Modun Orjinal Resmi

Kod: Tümünü seç
*                               lang_contact.php
*                              ------------------
*   Version:   8.6.0
*   Begin:      Sunday, Sept 17, 2006
*      Copyright:   (C) 2006, Marcus
*   E-mail:      marcus@phobbia.net
*   $id:      07:00 08/03/2007

*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
*   (at your option) any later version.

$lang['Contact_intro'] = 'Bu Sayfa Sayesinde, Site Yöneticisi İle İletişim Kurabilirsiniz. Lütfen Aşağıdaki Bilgileri Doğru Giriniz, Yoksa Yönetici Sizinle Geri İletişim Kuramaz.';

$lang['Username'] = 'Kullanıcı Adı';
$lang['Real_name'] = 'Gerçek Adınız';
$lang['Rname_require'] = 'Gerçek Adınız *';
$lang['E-mail'] = 'E-Mail Adresiniz';
$lang['E-mail_require'] = 'E-Mail Adresiniz *';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Mesajınız';
$lang['Comments_require'] = 'Mesajınız *';
$lang['Attachment'] = 'Eklenti';

$lang['Feedback'] = 'Geri Dönüşüm Teslim Alınmış';

$lang['Real_name_explain'] = 'Adınızı Yazmanız Zorunludur, Sizinle İletişime Geçtiğimizde Gerek Olacaktır.';
$lang['Explain_email'] = 'E-Mail Adresinizi Doğru Yazmazsanız Yönetici Sizinle İletişim Kuramaz.';
$lang['Comments_explain'] = 'Mesajınızı Yazınız.';
$lang['Flood_explain'] = '<br /><br />This form has a flood control system in place. You may only submit a form once every %s %s.';
$lang['Comments_limit'] = '<br /><br />The Admin has set a maximum of %s characters allowed in your message.';
$lang['Attachment_explain'] = 'Post an attachment here, if required, and it will be received by the board Admin. Only files that are %sKb or lower are allowed.';

$lang['Guest'] = 'Misafir';
$lang['Notify_IP'] = 'Sizin IP Adresiniz, Güvenlik Amacıyla Kayıt Altına Alınmıştır.';
$lang['Fields_required'] = '* İşaretli Bölümler Aksi Belirtilmedikçe Doldurulmak Zorundadır.';
$lang['Contact_form'] = 'İletişim Formu';
$lang['Empty'] = 'Belirtilmemiş';

$lang['hours'] = 'Saatler';
$lang['hour'] = 'Saat';

$lang['Chars'] = ' Karakter';

$lang['Captcha_code'] = 'Görsel Doğrulama *';
$lang['Captcha_code_explain'] = 'Lütfen Resimdeki Görsel Doğrulama Kodunu Giriniz.';

// Errors
$lang['Rname-Empty'] = 'Your real name was not provided.';
$lang['Comments-Empty'] = 'The comments field was not filled in.';
$lang['Comments_exceeded'] = 'Your message is longer than is permitted.';
$lang['Email-Empty'] = 'The e-mail field was not filled in.';
$lang['Email-Check'] = 'Your e-mail address you provided was not valid.';
$lang['Attach-File_exists'] = 'A file already exists with that name from your IP Address.';
$lang['Attach-Too_big'] = 'The attachment you tried to send was too big. Make sure its %sKb or lower.';
$lang['Attach_dud'] = 'The attachment you tried to send does not exist. Please double check your upload link.';
$lang['Attach-Uploaded'] = 'Your attachment was successfully uploaded.';
$lang['Flood_limit'] = 'Sorry, but you must wait %d hour(s) until you can submit another form.';
$lang['Illegal_ext'] = 'This filetype (%s) is not permitted!';
$lang['Unknown_ext'] = 'This filetype (%s) cannot be accepted!';
$lang['zip_advise'] = 'If necessary, please zip the file before resubmitting.';
$lang['POST_ERROR'] = 'Yüklemede Hata - Lütfen Tekrar Deneyin!';
$lang['Image_error'] = 'Upload Error - Unable to process this image!';
$lang['Image_zip'] = 'Please zip this type of image before sending it.';
$lang['Code_Empty'] = 'You did not confirm the code image!';
$lang['Code_Wrong'] = 'The code you entered was incorrect!';

$lang['Contact_error'] = '<b>An error occurred when trying to send your feedback!</b>';
$lang['Contact_success'] = '<b>Your message was sent successfully!</b>';

$lang['Click_return_form'] = '<br /><br />İletişim Formuna Dönmek İçin %sBuraya%s Tıklayınız';

$lang['Contact_Disabled'] = 'The Contact Form is currently Unavailable';

// Admin
$lang['General_settings'] = 'Genel Ayarlar';
$lang['Contact_title'] = 'İletişim Formu';
$lang['Contact_explain'] = 'Use this page to alter the settings and features of the Contact Form, as well as field requirements.';
$lang['Req_settings'] = 'Requirement Settings';
$lang['Attachment_settings'] = 'Eklenti Ayarları';
$lang['Contact_updated'] = 'Contact Configuration Updated Successfully';
$lang['Click_return_contact'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Contact Form configuration';
$lang['Disable'] = 'Disable';

$lang['Form_Enable'] = 'İletişim Formunu Etkinleştir';

$lang['kb'] = 'kilobayt';

$lang['Hash'] = 'Attachment Hashing Method';
$lang['Hash_explain'] = 'All uploads can be renamed with a random hash, for increased security.';
$lang['md5'] = 'MD5';
$lang['no_hash'] = 'No Hash';

$lang['auth_permission'] = 'Eklenti İzinleri';
$lang['auth_perm_explain'] = 'If attachments are permitted you can select who can upload files.';
$lang['auth_guests'] = 'Misafirler';
$lang['auth_members'] = 'Üyeler';
$lang['auth_mods'] = 'Moderatörler';
$lang['auth_admins'] = 'Adminler';

$lang['Require_rname'] = 'Require Real Name';
$lang['Require_email'] = 'Require E-mail';
$lang['Require_comments'] = 'Require Comments';
$lang['Permit_attachments'] = 'Permit Attachments';
$lang['Prune'] = 'Enable Pruning';
$lang['Prune_explain'] = 'Enable this to delete any SQL entries that have already done their flood limit job to reduce database size.';
$lang['Max_file_size'] = 'Max File Size';
$lang['Max_file_size_explain'] = 'The maximum file size for attachments for storing on your web server. Remember, this cannot exceed your php.ini setting. (%s)';
$lang['File_root'] = 'Attachment File Root';
$lang['File_root_explain'] = 'The folder in which any attachments are saved. The folder must be CHMOD 777 and is relative to the phpBB root path.';
$lang['Flood_limit_admin'] = 'Flood Limit';
$lang['Flood_limit_admin_explain'] = 'This is how long is allowed before a user can submit a new form. Set to \'0\' to disable this function (only recommended for testing).';
$lang['Char_limit_admin'] = 'Maximum Characters';
$lang['Char_limit_admin_explain'] = 'You can set an upper limit as to how many characters can be in a message.  Set to \'0\' to disable this option.';

$lang['Captcha'] = 'Görsel Doğrulama Ayarları';
$lang['Activate'] = 'Görsel Doğrulamayı Etkinleştir?';
$lang['Enable'] = 'Devrede';
$lang['Disable'] = 'Devre Dışı';
$lang['Captcha_explain'] = 'Enable this to require users to enter a code before submitting a form. This will prevent spambots abusing the form.';
$lang['Type'] = 'Captcha Appearance';
$lang['Type_explain'] = 'Select the type of Captcha you want displayed on your form.';
$lang['Image_bg'] = 'Image based';
$lang['Coloured'] = 'Coloured';
$lang['Random'] = 'Random';

$lang['Copyright'] = '"Contact Form" by <a href="http://www.phobbia.net" target="_phpbb"><b>Ma&reg;&copy;uS</b></a> &copy; 2006-2007<br />(Original mod: darkassasin93)';

// "Quick Delete" - Added to 7.0.0
$lang['Delete'] = 'Quick Delete';
$lang['Delete_disabled'] = 'Quick Delete option has been Disabled';
$lang['File_Not_Here'] = 'That Attachment does not appear to exist.';
$lang['File_Removed'] = 'The File has been successfully deleted.';
$lang['Delete_explain'] = 'Allow Admin to Quick Delete Attachments via an E-mail link?';
$lang['Remove_file'] = 'To delete this file, follow this link: %s';

// "Messages Log" - Added in 8.6.0
$lang['Admin_email_explain'] = 'If left blank e-mails will be sent to the Site Admin address of this board.';

$lang['Contact_date'] = 'Tarih';
$lang['Contact_ip'] = 'IP';
$lang['Contact_get'] = '%sGet%s';
$lang['Contact_remove'] = '%sRemove%s';
$lang['Msg_delete'] = 'Sil';

$lang['Contact_msgs_title'] = 'Contact Form :: Messages Log';
$lang['Contact_msgs_text'] = 'These are the messages you have received via your Contact Form, with the newest messages listed first.<br />&nbsp;&bull; Messages can be reviewed and deleted.<br />&nbsp;&bull; Attached files can be retrieved and deleted.';

$lang['Msg_del_success'] = 'The Message was deleted successfully';
$lang['File_del_success'] = 'The Attachment was deleted successfully';
$lang['Confirm_delete_msg'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this Message?';
$lang['Confirm_delete_file'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this Attachment?';
$lang['File_Not_Here'] = 'That Attachment does not appear to exist.';
$lang['Click_return_msglog'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Messages Log';

$lang['Msg_Log'] = 'Messages Log';
$lang['Msg_Log_explain'] = 'Activating this allows you to store messages in your database for reference';

Kullanıcı avatarı
İleti: 32
Kayıt: 11.04.2007, 23:05
Konum: İzmir


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